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Callback Functions

callback introduces a new way of creating functions in aoitelegram that are more flexible and have slightly more capabilities than regular custom functions.


callbackIdNamed callback function
...argsArguments to be passed

Available Functions

In callback functions with the aoitelegram syntax, the following functions are available:

  • $arguments - array of arguments passed
  • $argumentsCount - the number of function args
  • $return - what to output upon completion of the function (after the interpreter reaches $return, reading will stop and the result will be output)


name: "ids",
type: "js",
callback: ({ splits }) => splits.join(" "),

name: "ids",
type: "aoitelegram",
code: `
$return[$argumentsCount, $arguments]

Examples Module

Furthermore, to prevent cluttering the main file, the LoadCommands class has been enhanced with the loadCallbacks method for loading callback functions:

const loader = new LoadCommands(<AoiClient>);
export default {
name: "ids",
type: "js",
callback: context => {
const [...args] = context.splits;
return => Number(arg));

export default {
name: "ids",
type: "aoitelegram",
code: `
$return[Ids count: $argumentsCount, id: $arguments]