📄️ Handler Action
Use this method to track callback_query interactions.
📄️ AoiTelegram Version Notifications and Auto-Update
aoitelegram, much like aoi.js, supports options for automatic version updates or notifications about new package versions. This can be convenient when a minor version with bug fixes is released, and the library updates itself upon bot startup.
📄️ Handler Awaited
The following methods, which will be presented below, are responsible for repeating a specified code at intervals of a defined time. However, they have access to the message context (meaning you have access to functions like $sendMessage and so on), and this loop is triggered not directly but through the use of the $loop method.
📄️ Handler Command
Use this method to track commands.
📄️ Handler Events
To track events, we will need either methods or parameters in the loader.
📄️ $if Parsing
Starting from version 0.5.0, the library will adopt the $if/$endif/$elseif/$elseIf syntax. This function will not operate like regular if statements in common programming languages. Instead, upon code loading, it will process the condition and then decide what to keep and what to discard.
📄️ Handler Loop
The following methods, presented below, handle the repetition of a specified code at defined intervals without interruption.
📄️ MongoDB
Starting from aoitelegram@0.6.0 and above, aoitelegram supports an additional built-in database, namely mongodb.
📄️ Negative Operators
Starting from aoitelegram@0.7.0 and above, the ! operator will be supported. The main purpose of this operator is to turn errors into undefined. Errors covered by this operator include argument errors and errors within functions.
📄️ Classes Options
📄️ Handler Timeout
The Timeout function simplifies the creation of actions that require time. The timeout cannot use message context, meaning you can't use methods like $replyMessage and similar functions. Additionally, the time limit depends on setTimeout in Node.js. Even if you restart the bot, the timeout will continue to work.
📄️ Variables
This guide will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of variables.