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  • Added the ability to create custom functions using the aoitelegram syntax.
  • Added all the events available in telegramsjs.


  • Fixed module loading in PluginManager.


  • Updated dependencies.


  • Improved variable and class method names for code readability.
  • Enhanced type annotations and comments.



  • Added the $onlyIf[condition;ifFalse?;replyMessage?] function.
  • Added the $aoiversion function.
  • Added the $eval[aoicode] function.
  • Added the $token function.
  • Added the $arrayCreate[arrayName;array] function.
  • Added the $arrayAt[arrayName;index] function.
  • Added the $arrayConcat[arrayName;array] function.
  • Added the $arrayIncludes[arrayName;search] function.
  • Added the $arrayIndexOf[arrayName;search] function.
  • Added the $arrayJoin[arrayName;separator] function.
  • Added the $arrayLastIndexOf[arrayName;search] function.
  • Added the $arraySlice[arrayName;index] function.
  • Added the $getObjectProperty[object;property] function.
  • Added the $charAt[string;charAtIndex] function.
  • Added the $endsWith[string;search] function.
  • Added the $repeat[string;character] function.
  • Added the $replace[string;replaceText] function.
  • Added the $replaceAll[string;replaceText] function.
  • Added the $split[string;separator] function.
  • Added the $startsWith[string;search] function.
  • Added the $charAt[string;index] function.
  • Added the $textConcat[string;string] function.
  • Added the $textIncludes[string;search] function.
  • Added the $textIndexOf[string;search] function.
  • Added the $textLastIndexOf[string;search] function.
  • Added the $textSlice[string;index] function.
  • Added the $toLowerCase[string] function.
  • Added the $toUpperCase[string] function.
  • Added the $commandsCount function.
  • Added the $isAddedToAttachmentMenu function.
  • Added the $deleteIn[time;messageId?] function.


  • $var is now a global variable, while $let is local. This means that when you create a variable using $var, it is accessible in all events/commands, while $let is only available in the current event/command.
  • The second parameter for $get has changed; you now need to specify the type as global/local. global is for $var variables, and local is for $let variables.


  • Fixed the $if function's condition parameter.