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AoiTelegram Version Notifications and Auto-Update

aoitelegram, much like aoi.js, supports options for automatic version updates or notifications about new package versions. This can be convenient when a minor version with bug fixes is released, and the library updates itself upon bot startup.


To enable this feature, you need to specify the aoiWarning and autoUpdate parameters in the AoiClient constructor.

const bot = new AoiClient({
/** Checks for available package updates and performs an update if enabled (beta) **/
autoUpdate: {
/** Displaying messages about new versions. **/
aoiWarning: true,
/** Whether automatic updates are enabled. **/
autoUpdate: true,
/** Whether to enable development versions. **/
enableDev: true,
/** Whether to enable beta versions. **/
enableBeta: true,


Aoi Warning 1 Aoi Warning 2